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יום שישי, אוקטובר 07, 2005 

Flowers Report

Current Bestest Song Ever: The Offspring - Gone Away

As seen from right to left:
  1. Mysterious plant holding on for dear life.
    I have no idea how this plant survived until now. Basically it is nothing but 3 stems with one leaf each.
    Means of connection to the ground: some flimsy stalk with a leaf at the end.
    Life expectancy: slim to non. it has like 3 leaves and all of them look on the verge of death.
    Comment: Water consumption is terrible. Even the modest amount of watering causes it to drip on the floor and over the A/C outlet. Its like the ground it is in, is nothing but holes.
  2. Lush plant next to chair and CD holder.
    Looks nice, have a distinctive taste to music or just left wing opinions (or right - depends where the observer is standing really).
    Means of connection to the ground: Quite secure with a nice pole to climb. The pot position and some earth on the floor next to it suggest an extremely active earthworm or abuse by the cats. I choose cats for 50$.
    Life expectancy: looks good. The occasional dead leaf but in general appears to be enjoying life.
    comment: As I mentioned, I suspect the cats abuse this one but I wasn't able to get him to complain.
  3. Some strange white and green small leafy thing right side of TV.
    Looks like what I believe a mentally devastated plant will look like. If it was a human his hair would be long messy and skin flakes would fall of him.
    Means of connection to the ground: Roots I guess and sheer mindlessness.
    Life expectancy: Unknown. It looks quite alive, but then again it generates fallout like a grubby atom bomb.
  4. Leafy thing left side of TV.
    The quiet one. Seems to be growing quietly not making a fuss.
    Means of connection to the ground: another pole. Poles are very much the rage in this place.
    Life expectancy: quite good. Some leafs are showing suspicious holes but general condition is good.
  5. Insect plant standing on blue chair.
    I am afraid of this one. The leafs look like an insect. Plus it has only two of them. What will happen when it becomes hungry?!
    Means of connection to the ground: 2 leafs, two thick stems. One must wonder why a plant requires a thick stem for one leaf. Unless this is not really a leaf...
    Life expectancy: In a sense I would be much more calmer if it died. A third leaf was broken when I came in and didn't recover. I had to remove it. Possibly the other two felt it was too crowded.
  6. Big assed, huge leafs plant next to doll of two headed Siamese twin.
    Mr. Healthy. Probably generates most of the oxygen in the house.
    Means of connection to the ground: Trunks. I wonder if the pot is enough for this one.
    Life expectancy: looks promising. Although it kills the occasional sheet sized leaf, there are many more to cover for it plus new ones are coming out.