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יום שישי, אוקטובר 07, 2005 


Current Bestest Song Ever:Live - Lighting Crushes
After many months of keeping it but not using it, for no good reason, the time has come.

Farewell sweet friend, you've been amazing fun for many months and many sleepless nights.
How I thought I could never grow tired of you.
And yet, eventually, I got bored.

Never say Never...

It began to look the same every time, an endless track.
As I visited you time and time again, I noticed that while the scenery changed, the core always remained the same.
Rinse, Repeat, Rinse, Repeat.

Never a sense of self accomplishment. Here I was in a world of fantasy but my footprint was gone faster than a writing on the sand.

Never a real sense of failure.
I could make mistakes and die many times.. But did it ever matter?
All death ever did was making me find my rotting corpse, Stand up and fight again, hoping my ghost wont need to trudge again those endless forests.
Game Over.
Insert coin to play again..

Rinse, Repeat, Rinse, Repeat.

It came to a feeling like a mouse in a maze.
A very large maze, with beautiful places and sometimes I even met some other mice and we ran together for a while... But we never found anything new.

I may sound harsh now, but I do remember the endless nights.
The joys of the world.
And I wont forget.

I just moved on.

To another one.
Just like you.
Only a little different.
I could never grow bored of it.

People who never played computer games "for real" might not have the faintest idea of what the hell I am talking about.
Be thankful for it.

I knew you would understand me..

And yes, the new addiction is BF2 although i didn't apply it to myself for over a month now.

What annoys me is that even Counter Strike, pitting you in a street block sized maps, gave you all of the above.
You CARED when you got owned.
When you were good, you felt proud.
And even if you played de_dust 50 times in a row, it completely and utterly failed to repetitive.
True you were owned by a spotty kid each round but they were always so creative about it.

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